What I offer
The puppy program is designed for you and your new puppy's needs. Together,we can create a dog to be proud of.
Puppies very quickly become adult dogs, and what you do today will make a lifetime of difference to you and your dog.
When you build on Strong foundations, you have the knowledge to have a happy, fulfilled and relaxed dog, and the skills and confidence for a life-time with your dog.
You will learn the skills for a lifetime of learning and fun by understanding the world from your dog's perspective, applying a behavioural approach, and gaining sophisticated knowledge.
Naturally, you'll learn the basics of sit, down, wait, and the essential recall - and no doubt some more beside. But we'll apply your new skills in the real world - at home, in the street, in the park.
Individual and personalised, one-on-one sessions start at 3.5 hours, but I advise 5 hours or more to cover the content that will set you up right.
Contact me to discuss your needs.
What will you learn?
Training is flexible and covers content depending on the time available. We always cover ‘Strong foundations’.
Strong foundations: A sophisticated yet practical understanding of your and your puppy's behaviour, and behavioural and safety-based guidelines provide a simple and reliable foundation for a life-time with dogs.
Useful and practical 'obedience': You'll learn the basics like 'sit', 'stay' and the essential 'recall' - but you'll also have the knowledge to build on that and have more and more fun with your dog.
Reward, choice, control and consent: Basic to advanced understanding and application of reward, choice, control and consent will set you and your puppy up for on-going learning and fun.
Problem-prevention: When you understand behaviour and reward, you are well on the way to preventing problem behaviour
Educational fun: Keep your puppy healthy in body and mind by teaching meaningful, stimulating and problem-solving games.